Axel gay porno star

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Axel Garret has appeared is Dirk Yates Private Amateur Collection Volume 2. The collection of films in which Axel has acted contains Dirk Yates Private Amateur Collection Volume 2, Kiss-Off and Trade Off. Some of the films in which they are featured together include Taking It In ( All Worlds Video), How The West Was Hung ( All Worlds Video), and The Best Of Lane Fuller ( All Worlds Video). Of all of his costars, you can see Axel Garret on camera most often with Lane Fuller. Garret has worked with a number of models which include Kenny, B.J. The range of categories includes western, 90's classics and bisexual. He is very versatile and has starred in films which are associated with 19 categories. Axel Garret has starred exclusively with All Worlds Video. Axel Garret is a male porn star whose performing career began in 1989.

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